









2010-2014Texas A&M University,海洋学,博士



研究领域为全球变化及人类活动双重胁迫下微藻生理生态学及生理遗传学,主要包括海洋微藻对污染物的响应特征,以及应用微藻进行合成生物学和绿色生物制造的研究。近五年,主持或参加国家级课题6项,省部级课题4项;以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文25篇,包括Environmental Science & TechnologyChemical Engineering JournalJournal of Phycology等藻类学和环境生态学的权威期刊。


  • 应用微藻(三角褐指藻、假微型海链藻、微拟球藻)进行合成生物学和绿色生物制造研究

  • 海洋微藻对新污染物(全氟化合物、多溴联苯醚、微塑料等)的富集及环境相分配研究

  • 海洋微藻对典型全球变化因子的响应机制研究


  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金,PBDEs胁迫海洋浮游植物细胞活性用的产生机制及信号功能的研究,41706124,项目主持。

  • 国家重点研发计划-耐受烟气的高效固碳藻种选育,2016YFB0601001,项目骨干。

  • 崂山国家实验室“十四五”重大项目,海洋环境新污染物防治与水环境安全, 2022QNLM040002,项目骨干。

  • 自然科学基金-山东联合基金重点支持项目,山东半岛潮间带大型海藻鼠尾藻对 UV-B 辐射增强的性别 差异响应及分子调控机制研究,U1806213,项目骨干。

  • 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,多溴联苯醚胁迫海洋微藻程序化死亡的生物学特征与调控机制研究,ZR2022MD006,项目主持。


  1. Luying Li; Tongzhu Han; Bo Li; Peng Bai; Xuexi Tang; Yan Zhao*; Distribution Control and Environmental Fate of PFAS in the Offshore Region Adjacent to the Yangtze River Estuary-A Study Combining Multiple Phases Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(35):15779-15789. (IF>10; Nature Index)

  2. Jun Li; Xuexi Tang; Kehou Pan; Baohua Zhu; Ziqi Wang; Yan Zhao*Application study for the high COtolerant Chlorella strain by flue gas culture: Evaluation of growth performance and adaptive mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 479, 147700. (IF>10)

  3. Danrui Li; Xuexi Tangl Luying Li; Bihan Zhang; Ziqi Wang; Zhen Liu; Yan Zhao*; UV-B radiation aging changed the environmental behavior of polystyrene micro-/nanoplastics-adsorption kinetics of BDE-47, plankton toxicities and joint toxicities with BDE-47, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, accepted (IF>10)

  4. Bihan Zhang; Ziqi Wang; Danrui Li; Luying Li; Xuexi Tang; Yan Zhao*Reactive oxygen species mediated extracellular polymeric substances production assisting the recovery of Thalassiosira pseudonana from polystyrene micro and nanoplastics exposure. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 348(2): 123850.

  5. Chengxiang Kan; Yirong Zhao; Kaiming Sun; Xuexi Tang; Yan Zhao*; The inhibition and recovery mechanisms of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in response to high light stress - A study combining physiological and transcriptional analysis, Journal of Phycology, 2023, 59(2):418-437.

  6. Jun Li; Xuexi Tang; Kehou Pan; Baohua Zhu; Yan Zhao*; Energy metabolism and intracellular pH regulation reveal physiological acclimation mechanisms of Chlorella strains to high concentrations of CO2,Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 853:158627.

  7. Mengchen Lv; Yirong Zhao; Danrui Li; Bihan Zhang; Luying Li; Zhen Liu; Xuexi Tang; Yan Zhao*; The adsorption and absorption kinetics of BDE-47 by Chlorella sp. and the role of extracellular polymer substances influenced by environmental factors, Environmental Research, 2022, 216:114698.

  8. Qian Liu; Xuexi Tang; Bihan Zhang; Luying Li; Yan Zhao*;The effects of two sized polystyrene nanoplastics on the growth, physiological functions, and toxin production of Alexandrium tamarenseChemosphere2022291(2):132943.

  9. Yirong Zhao; Xin Wang; Xuexi Tang; Yan Zhao*; Toxicity of 2, 2′, 4, 4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) on the green microalgae Chlorella sp. and the role of cellular oxidative stress, Marine Pollution Bulletin,2022,180:113810.

  10. Yan Zhao; Jun Li; Xuebin Ma; Xingyu Fang; Baohua Zhu; Kehou Pan; Screening and application of Chlorella strains on biosequestration of the power plant exhaust gas evolutions of biomass growth and accumulation of toxic agents, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 6744-6754.

  11. Bihan Zhang; Xuexi Tang; Qian Liu; Luying Li; Yirong Zhao; Yan Zhao*; Different effecting mechanisms of two sized polystyrene microplastics in microalgal oxidative stress and photosynthetic responses, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 244:114072.

  12. Jun Li; Kehou Pan; Xuexi Tang*; Yun Li; Baohua Zhu; Yan Zhao*; The molecular mechanisms of Chlorella sp. responding to high CO2: A study based on comparative transcriptome analysis between strains with high- and low-CO2 tolerance, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 763: 144185.

  13. Ruihao Zhang; Baohua Zhu*; Changchao Tu; Yun Li; Yan Zhao; Kehou Pan*; The combined effect of nitrogen deprivation and overexpression of malic enzyme gene on growth and lipid accumulation in Phaeodactylum tricornutumJournal of Applied Phycology, 2021, 33: 3637-3645.

  14. Yirong Zhao; Xuexi Tang; Fangyuan Qu; Mengchen Lv; Qian Liu; Jun Li; Luying Li; Bihan Zhang; Yan Zhao*; ROS-mediated programmed cell death (PCD) of Thalassiosira pseudonana under the stress of BDE-47, Environmental pollution, 2020, 262: 114342.

  15. Yirong Zhao; Xuexi Tang*; Mengchen Lv; Qian Liu; Jun Li; Bihan Zhang; Luying Li; Xinxin Zhang; Yan Zhao*; The molecular response mechanisms of a diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana to the toxicity of BDE-47 based on whole transcriptome analysis, Aquatic Toxicology, 2020, 229: 105669.

  16. Mengchen Lv; Xuexi Tang; Yirong Zhao; Jun Li; Bihan Zhang; Luying Li; Yongshun Jiang; Yan Zhao*; The toxicity, bioaccumulation and debromination of BDE-47 and BDE-209 in Chlorella sp. under multiple exposure modes, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 723: 138086.

  17. Jun Li; Xuexi Tang; Kehou Pan; Baohua Zhu; Yun Li; Xuebin Ma; Yan Zhao*; The regulating mechanisms of CO2 fixation and carbon allocations of two Chlorella sp. strains in response to high CO2 levels, Chemosphere, 2020, 247: 125814.

  18. Yirong Zhao; Xuexi Tang; Antonietta Quigg; Mengchen Lv; Yan Zhao*; The toxic mechanisms of BDE-47 to the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana-a study based on multiple physiological processes, Aquatic Toxicology, 2019, 212: 20-27.

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