









2017/07–2019/09,山东大学,微生物技术国家重点实验室,博士后 “国家博士后创新人才支持计划”




主要从事海洋微生物参与的海洋有机质代谢循环及其环境生态效应研究。在Nature MicrobiologyScience AdvancesNature CommunicationsThe Plant CellJournal of Biological ChemistryMolecular Microbiology等国内外主流刊物发表论文上20余篇。主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项目、国家重点研发计划子课题1项、博士后基金面上项目1项。入选国家博士后创新人才支持计划并获学校优秀青年科技人才培育计划和英才计划资助。


1.Zhao-Jie Teng#; Peng Wang#; Xiu-Lan Chen#; Richard Guillonneau; Chun-Yang Li; Song-Bao Zou; Jun Gong; Kai-Wen Xu; Lin Han; Chao Wang; David J Scanlan; Yin Chen; Yu-Zhong Zhang*, Acrylate protects a marine bacterium from grazing by a ciliate predator, Nature Microbiology, 2021, 6(11): 1351-1356. Nature子刊,Nature Microbiology 配发News and Views

2.Yan Wang#; Peng Wang#; Hai-Yan Cao; Hai-Tao Ding; Hai-Nan Su; Shi-Cheng Liu; Guangfeng Liu; Xia Zhang; Chun-Yang Li; Ming Peng; Fuchuan Li; Shengying Li; Yin Chen; Xiu-Lan Chen*; Yu-Zhong Zhang*, Structure of Vibrio collagenase VhaC provides insight into the mechanism of bacterial collagenolysis, Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1): 566. Nature子刊

3. Bai-Lu Tang#; Jie Yang#; Xiu-Lan Chen#; Peng Wang#; Hui-Lin Zhao; Hai-Nan Su; Chun-Yang Li; Yang Yu; Shuai Zhong; Lei Wang; Ian Lidbury; Haitao Ding; Min Wang ;*************; Xi-Ying Zhang; Yin Chen; Yu-Zhong Zhang*, A predator-prey interaction between a marine Pseudoalteromonas sp. and Gram-positive bacteria, Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1): 285. Nature子刊

4. Mei-ling Sun#; Ming-dong Liu#; Hong Shan#; Kang Li#; Peng Wang#; Hua-rong Guo#; Ya-qi Zhao; Ring-stacked capsids of white spot syndrome virus and structural transitions with genome ejection, Science Advances, 2023, 9(8):eadd2796. Science子刊

5. Chen Wang, Wen-Jing Zhu, Hai-Tao Ding, Ning-Hua Liu, Hai-Yan Cao, Chuan-Lei Suo, Ze-Kun Liu, Yi Zhang, Mei-Ling Sun, Hui-Hui Fu, Chun-Yang Li, Xiu-Lan Chen, Yu-Zhong Zhang, Peng Wang*, Structural and molecular basis for urea recognition by Prochlorococcus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2023 Aug;299(8):104958. Nature index期刊。

6. Fei Xu#, Xiu-Lan Chen#, Xiao-Hui Sun, Fang Dong, Chun-Yang Li, Ping-Yi Li, Haitao Ding, Yin Chen, Yu-Zhong Zhang, and Peng Wang*, Structural and molecular basis for the substrate positioning mechanism of a new PL7 subfamily alginate lyase from the arctic, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020, 295(48):16380-16392. Nature index期刊

7. Peng Wang; Xiu-Lan Chen; Chun-Yang Li; Xiang Gao; De-yu Zhu; Bin-Bin Xie; Qi-Long Qin; Xi-Ying Zhang; Hai-Nan Su; Bai-Cheng Zhou; Lu-ying Xun; Yu-Zhong Zhang*, Structural and molecular basis for the novel catalytic mechanism and evolution of DddP, an abundant peptidase-like bacterial dimethylsulfoniopropionate lyase: a new enzyme from an old fold, Molecular Microbiology, 2015, 98(2): 289-301.

8. Peng Wang#; Hai-Yan Cao#; Xiu-Lan Chen; Chun-Yang Li; Ping-Yi Li; Xi-Ying Zhang; Qi-Long Qin; Jonathan D. Todd; Yu-Zhong Zhang*, Mechanistic insight into acrylate metabolism and detoxification in marine dimethylsulfoniopropionate-catabolizing bacteria, Molecular Microbiology, 2017, 105(5): 674-688.

9. Long-Sheng Zhao#, Peng Wang#, Kang Li#, Quan-Bao Zhang, Fei-Yu He, Chun-Yang Li, Hai-Nan Su, Xiu-Lan Chen, Lu-Ning Liu*, Yu-Zhong Zhang*, Structural basis and evolution of the photosystem I-light-harvesting supercomplex of cryptophyte algae. The Plant Cell. 202335(7):2449-2463. Nature index期刊,封面文章

10.Xiao-Meng Sun; Zhao Xue; Mei-Ling Sun; Yi Zhang; Yu-Zhong Zhang; Hui-Hui Fu; Yu-Qiang Zhang*; Peng Wang*, Characterization of a novel alginate lyase with two alginate lyase domains from the marine bacterium Vibrio sp. C42, Marine Drugs, 2022, 20(12):746. 

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