

吕志一 博士,副教授,博士生导师




E-mail: lvzhiyi@ouc.edu.cn



20029-20066月,西北农林科技大学,生物科学, 本科
















课题组利用果蝇、水蚤等为模式动物,通过分子遗传学、生物化学、显微成像和定量分析等手段,研究形态发生的细胞生物学机制。研究结果相继发表在Current BiologyJournal of Cell ScienceDevelopmentBiophysical JournalAngewandteChemieEMBO Rep等国际主流期刊。



1. 果蝇早期胚胎发育的细胞骨架与细胞周期调控

2. 果蝇合子基因组激活

3. 果蝇羊浆膜细胞的特化与形态发生

4. 水蚤胚胎发育的细胞学变化




Z. Lv,N. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Großhans, D. Kong* (2022). The lateral epidermis actively counteracts pulling by the amnioserosa during dorsal closure. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology(in press).


Schmidt, A.#, L. Li#, Z. Lv, S. Yan and J. Grosshans* (2021). Dia- and Rok-dependent enrichment of capping proteins in a cortical region. J Cell Sci 134(21).

Zhao, L.#, F. Gao#, S. Gao#, Y. Liang#, H. Long#, Z. Lv#, Y. Su#, N. Ye#, L. Zhang#, C. Zhao#, X. Wang, W. Song*, S. Zhang* and B. Dong* (2021). Biodiversity-based development and evolution: the emerging research systems in model and non-model organisms. Sci China Life Sci 64(8): 1236-1280.

Lv, Z., J. de-Carvalho, I. A. Telley and J. Grosshans*(2021). Cytoskeletal mechanics and dynamics in the Drosophila syncytial embryo. J Cell Sci 134(4).



Lv, Z.*, J. Rosenbaum, S. Mohr, X. Zhang, D. Kong, H. Preiss, S. Kruss, K. Alim, T. Aspelmeier and J. Grosshans* (2020). The Emergent Yo-yo Movement of Nuclei Driven by Cytoskeletal Remodeling in Pseudo-synchronous Mitotic Cycles. Curr Biol 30(13): 2564-2573 e2565.

Lu, Q., Y. Gao, Y. Fu, H. Peng, W. Shi, B. Li, Z. Lv, X.-Q. Feng and B. Dong (2020). Ciona embryonic tail bending is driven by asymmetrical notochord contractility and coordinated by epithelial proliferation. Development 147(24): dev185868.

Selvaggio, G., A. Chizhik, R. Nissler, L. Kuhlemann, D. Meyer, L. Vuong, H. Preiss, N. Herrmann, F. A. Mann, Z. Lv, T. A. Oswald, A. Spreinat, L. Erpenbeck, J. Grosshans, V. Karius, A. Janshoff, J. Pablo Giraldo and S. Kruss (2020). Exfoliated near infrared fluorescent silicate nanosheets for (bio)photonics. Nat Commun 11(1): 1495.


Kong, D*., Z. Lv, M. Haring, B. Lin, F. Wolf and J. Grosshans(2019). In vivo optochemical control of cell contractility at single-cell resolution. EMBO Rep 20(12): e47755.

Lv, Z., Q. Lu and B. Dong* (2019). Morphogenesis: a focus on marine invertebrates. Marine Life Science & Technology 1(1): 28-40.

Mann, F. A., Z. Lv, J. Grosshans, F. Opazo and S. Kruss (2019). Nanobody-Conjugated Nanotubes for Targeted Near-Infrared In Vivo Imaging and Sensing. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 58(33): 11469-11473.


Lv, Z., J. Rosenbaum, T. Aspelmeier and J. Grosshans* (2018). A 'molecular guillotine' reveals the interphase function of Kinesin-5. J Cell Sci 131(3).

Kaiser, F., Z. Lv, D. Marques Rodrigues, J. Rosenbaum, T. Aspelmeier, J. Grosshans and K. Alim *(2018). Mechanical Model of Nuclei Ordering in Drosophila Embryos Reveals Dilution of Stochastic Forces. Biophys J 114(7): 1730-1740.

Schmidt, A.#, Z. Lv# and J. Grosshans* (2018). ELMO and Sponge specify subapical restriction of Canoe and formation of the subapical domain in early Drosophila embryos. Development 145(2).

Lv, Z. and J. Grosshans *(2016). A Radial Actin Network in Apical Constriction. Dev Cell 39(3): 280-282.

Winkler, F.#, M. Gummalla#, L. Kunneke#, Z. Lv, A. Zippelius, T. Aspelmeier and J. Grosshans* (2015). Fluctuation Analysis of Centrosomes Reveals a Cortical Function of Kinesin-1. Biophys J 109(5): 856-868.

Yan, S.#, Z. Lv#, M. Winterhoff#, C. Wenzl, T. Zobel, J. Faix, S. Bogdan and J. Grosshans* (2013). The F-BAR protein Cip4/Toca-1 antagonizes the formin Diaphanous in membrane stabilization and compartmentalization. J Cell Sci 126(Pt 8): 1796-1805.

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