

赵龙  教授 博士生导师


E-mail: zhaolong@ouc.edu.cn

Tel: 0532-82031537



2019-        中国海洋大学,教授

2016-2018    哈佛大学医学院, Instructor in Medicine

2016-2018    麻省总医院, Assistant Biologist

2009-2016    麻省总医院/哈佛大学医学院, 博士后

2004-2009    清华大学, 博士 



A. 胚胎器官发生

B. 成体器官(心脏)再生

C. 极端环境海洋生物抗性的分子机制  



1. Lan W, Liu S, Zhao L*, Su Y*. (2020) Regulation of Drosophila hematopoiesis in lymph gland: from a developmental signaling point of view. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(15): 5246.

2. Wang L, Yang J, Wang H, Ran C, Su Y, Zhao L*. (2019) A highly selective turn-on fluorescent probe for the detection of Aluminum and its application to bio-imaging. Sensors 19(11): 2423.

3. Chi C, Wang L, Lan W, Zhao L*,Su Y*.(2018) PpV, acting via the JNK pathway, represses apoptosis during normal development of Drosophila wing. Apoptosis 23:554-562.

4. Zhao L, Wang L, Chi C, Lan W, Su Y*. (2017) The emerging roles of phosphatases in Hedgehog pathway. Cell Communication and Signaling 15:35-45.

5. Zhao L, Ben-Yair R, Burns CE, Burns CG. (2019) Endocardial Notch signaling promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation in the regenerating zebrafish heart through Wnt pathway antagonism. Cell Reports 26(3): 546-554.

6. Han P, Bloomekatz J, Ren J, Zhang R, Grinstein JD, Zhao L, Burns CG, Burns CE, Anderson RM, and Chi NC. (2016) Coordinating cardiomyocyte interactions to direct ventricular chamber morphogenesis. Nature 534: 700-704.

7. Jahangiri L, Sharpe M, Novikov N, González-Rosa JM, Borikova A, Nevis K, Paffett-Lugassy N, Zhao L, Adams M, Guner-Ataman B, Burns CE, Burns CG. (2015) The AP-1 transcription factor component Fosl2 potentiates the rate of myocardial differentiation from the zebrafish second heart field. Development143: 113-122.

8. Mahmoud A, O’Meara C, Gemberling M, Zhao L, Bryant DM, Zheng RM, Gannon JB, Cai L, Choi WY, Egaczyk GF, Burns CG, Burns CE, Macrae CA, Poss KD, Lee RT. (2015) Nerves regulate cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration. Developmental Cell34: 387-399.

9. Harrison MR, Bussmann J, Huang Y, Zhao L, Osorio A, Burns CG, Burns CE, Sucov HM, Siekmann AF and Lien CL. (2015) Chemokine guided angiogenesis directs coronary vasculature formation in zebrafish. Developmental Cell33(4): 442-454.

10. Jang IH, Lu YF, Zhao L, Wenzel PL, Kume T, Datta SM, Arora N, Guiu J, Lagha M, Kim PG, Schlaeger TM, Zon LI, Gigas A, Burns CE, Daley G. (2015) Notch1 acts via Foxc2 to induce the endothelial to hematopoietic transition during embryonic development. Blood125(9): 1418-1426.

11. Zhao L, Borikova AL, Ben-Yair R, Guner-Ataman B, Macrae CA, Lee RT, Burns CG, Burns CE. (2014) Notch signaling regulates cardiomyocyte proliferation during zebrafish heart regeneration. PNAS 111(4): 1403-1408.

12. Deacon DC, Nevis KR, Cashman TJ, Zhou Y, Zhao L, Washko D, Guner-Ataman B, Burns CG, Burns CE. (2010) The miR-143-adducin3 pathway is essential for cardiac chamber morphogenesis.Development 137(11): 1887-1896.

13. Zhao XY, Zhao L, Tian T, Zhang Y, Tong J, Zheng XF, Meng AM. (2010) Interruption of cenph causes mitotic failure and embryonic death, and its haploinsufficiency suppresses cancer in zebrafish.The Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(36): 27924-27934.

14. Tian T, Zhao L, Zhao XY, Zhang M, Meng AM. (2009) A zebrafish gene trap line expresses GFP recapturing expression pattern of foxj1b.Journal of Genetics and Genomics 36(10): 581-589.

15. Tian T#Zhao L#, Zhang M, Zhao XY, Meng AM. (2009) Both foxj1a and foxj1b are implicated in left-right asymmetric development in zebrafish embryos. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 380(3): 537-542.

16. Zhao L, Zhao XY, Tian T, Lu QL, Nirma S, Wu D, Kuang Z, Zheng XF, Han YC, Yang SY, Zhang CM, Meng AM. (2008) Heart-specific isoform of tropomyosin4 is essential for heartbeat in zebrafish embryos. Cardiovascular Research 80(2): 200-208.

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