

王国庆 教授 博士生导师

中国海洋大学“英才一”教授 博士生导师

Email: gqwang@ouc.edu.cn



研究方向为水产生物与水产品安全,在基于可持续性材料的水产生物和水产品中危害物检测和防控方面取得了诸多创新成果。ChemSmallNano TodayJ. Hazard. Mater.Chem. Eng. J.等国际主流刊物发表首作者及通讯作者论文50余篇,授权国家发明专利5项。主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目和省市项目多项。成果获日本“Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices”共同研究奖(2022)、省高校青年创新团队支持计划人选(2021)、省青年科技人才托举工程人选(2018)。受邀在韩国毒理-环境学会KSOT International Symposium、环太平洋化学大会(Pacifichem2021)和日本生体高分子研究会等国际会议和高校学术报告近10次。兼任中国海洋湖沼协会海岸带可持续发展分会理事(2021‒),曾任日本理化学研究所客座研究员(2018‒2021)、日本学术振兴会特别研究员(2012‒2014)。在教育类顶尖期刊J. Chem. Edu.发表封面论文2篇;共事的学生多人获推荐赴美国西北大学、日本北海道大学等海外著名高校留学。

Prof. Dr. Guoqing Wang

Website: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/gqwang

Education and Research Experience

Professor, Ocean University of China (2018-present)

Contract Researcher, RIKEN (Japan) (2014‒2018)

Postdoc., University of California, Riverside (USA) (2013‒2014)

Ph.D., Chemical Science and Engineering, Hokkaido University (Japan) (2010‒2013)

Research Assistant, Yantai Institute for Coastal Zone Research, CAS (2009-2010)

M. Sc., Bionano Science, Hanyang University (South Korea) (2007‒2009)

B. E., Chemical Engineering, Qufu Normal University (2003‒2007)

Research Interests

We are an interdisciplinary research team with programs centered on materials-engineered biointerfaces and organisms that allows hazardous species and molecules of interest to be traced, assessed, and manipulated. Aiming at safeguarding marine lives, the marine environment, and aquatic products, the current research direction includes (1) development of biomolecules-inspired nanoprobes and materials, and (2) materials-driven gene regulation and functional evolution of marine organisms.

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