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      以上科学发现获得了领域内专家的一致认可,相关研究成果分别发表于顶级杂志Nature Microbiol (共三篇)、Nature Commun、ISME J、Microbiome(共四篇)等。

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  • 近期论文及成果

    1. Zhang Y, Sun C, Guo Z, Liu L, Zhang X, Sun K, Zheng Y, Gates AJ, Todd JD*, Zhang X-H*. 2024. An S-methyltransferase that produces the climate-active gas dimethylsulfide is widespread across diverse marine bacteria. Nature Microbiology, doi: 10.1038/s41564-024-01788-6.

    2. Wang J, Curson ARJ, Zhou S, Carrión O, Liu J, Vieira AR, Walsham KS, Monaco S, Li CY, Dong QY, Wang Y, Rivera PPL, Wang XD, Zhang M, Hanwell L, Wallace M, Zhu XY, Leão PN, Lea-Smith DJ, Zhang YZ, Zhang X-H*, Todd JD*. 2024. Alternative dimethylsulfoniopropionate biosynthesis enzymes in diverse and abundant microorganisms. Nature Microbiology, 9: 1979-1992.

    3. Zhu XY, Li Y, Xue CX, Lidbury I, Todd JD, Lea-Smith DJ, Tian J, Zhang X-H, Liu J*. 2023. Deep-sea Bacteroidetes from the Mariana Trench specialize in hemicellulose and pectin degradation typically associated with terrestrial systems. Microbiome, 11(1): 1-15.

    4.  Zheng Y, Wang J, Zhou S, Liu J, Xue C-X, Williams BT, Zhao X, Zhao L, Zhu X-Y, Sun C, Xiao T, Todd JD*, Zhang X-H*. 2020. Bacteria are important dimethylsulfoniopropionate producers in marine aphotic and high-pressure environments. Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18434-4.

    5. Curson A, Liu J, Martinez AB, Green R, Chan Y, Carrion O, Williams BT, Zhang S-H, Yang G-P, Page PCB, Zhang X-H* & Todd JD*. 2017. Dimethylsulphoniopropionate biosynthesis in marine bacteria and identification of the key gene in this process. Nature Microbiolology, 2: e17009.

    6. Liu J, Zhu S, Liu X, Yao P, Ge T, Zhang X-H*. 2020. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the archaeal community in coastal sediments: assembly process and co-occurrence relationship. ISME J, 14:1463–1478.

    7. Zhong H, Lehtovirta-Morley L, Liu J, Zheng Y, Lin H, Song D, Todd JD, Tian J, Zhang X-H*. 2020. Novel insights into the Thaumarchaeota in the deepest oceans: their metabolism and potential adaptation mechanisms. Microbiome, 8:78.

    8.Wang X, Liu J, Liang J, Sun H, Zhang X-H*. 2020. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the total and active Vibrio spp. populations throughout the Changjiang estuary in China. Environ Microbiol, 2020, 22,10:4438-4455

    9. Zhang, Y., Yao, P., Sun, C., Li, S., Shi, X., Zhang, X. H., & Liu, J*. 2021. Vertical diversity and association pattern of total, abundant and rare microbial communities in deep-sea sediments. Molecular Ecology, 30,12: 2800-2816.

    10. Liang J., Liu J., Zhan Y., Zhou S., Xue C-X., Sun C., Lin Y., Luo C., Wang X., Zhang X-H*, 2021. Succession of marine bacteria in response to Ulva prolifera-derived dissolved organic matter. Environ Int, 155: 106687.

    11.Xue C-X, Zhang H, Lin H-Y, Sun Y, Luo D, Huang Y, Zhang X-H*, Luo H*. 2020. Ancestral niche separation and evolutionary rate differentiation between sister marine flavobacteria lineages. Environ Microbiol, 2020, 22: 3234–3247.

    12. Liu J, Zheng Y, Lin H, Wang X, Li M, Liu Y, Yu M, Zhao M, Pedentchouk N, Lea-Smith DJ, Todd JD, Magill CR, Zhang W-J, Zhou S, Song D, Zhong H, Xin Y, Yu M, Tian J*, Zhang X-H*. 2019. Proliferation of hydrocarbon degrading microbes at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Microbiome, 7: 47.

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