

  • 研究方向


      基于此,实验室主要从事头足类分类与系统演化、增养殖、环境适应性等研究,代表成果:1)更新了中国头足类物种名录,发现一批新种,修订了疑难种属,阐述其多样性、地理分布等状况,并探讨了物种中文名的命名规则; 2) 构建了长蛸和短蛸的基础生物学理论体系,开展了全生活繁育和种质资源养护;3) 绘制了重要经济蛸类基因组图谱,开展了头足类DNA条形码和系统发育研究;4)以短蛸为研究对象,探究了气候变化耦合环境污染物的海洋环境效应,为科学评估气候变化条件下新型污染物的海洋生态风险提供了重要支撑。上述成果发表在BMC Biology、Marine Life Science & Technology、Aquaculture、Science of the Total Environment等国际权威期刊上。

  • 研究队伍

    郑小东 教授 博士生导师

    E-mail: xdzheng@ouc.edu.cn

    Tel: 0532-82032873




    Prof. Dr. Xiaodong ZHENG: 

    Institute of Evolution & Marine Biodiversity, OUC.

    Research Interests: 

    Taxonomy, biology and evolution of cephalopods, currently most interested in:

    1. Morphological classification and species diversity basedonDNAbarcoding

    2. Octopod omics and adaptive evolution

  • 承担课题

    1. 国家重点研发计划“海洋农业与淡水渔业科技创新”专项“黄渤海滩涂浅海碳汇型增养殖关键技术与机械化装备(2023YFD2400800). 子课题负责人, 2023-2027.

    2. 国家自然科学基金(面上)—中国南海章鱼系统分类学研究(32170536). 主持, 2022-2025.

    3. 国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”重点专项-“黄渤海滩涂生态农牧化与三产融合模式示范”(2020YFD0900705). 子课题负责人, 2020-2022.

    4. 海洋工程科学技术二等奖:经济蛸类规模化扩繁与资源修复关键研发与应用(第1位), 中国海洋工程咨询协会, 2019.

    5. 海洋科学技术奖二等奖:长蛸全生活史养殖与增殖放流关键技术(第1位), 国家海洋局, 2014.

  • 近期论文及成果


    (2)Tang YZheng XD*, Lu CC.Taxonomy and systematic positions of three new Callistoctopus species (Octopoda, Octopodidae) discovered in coastal waters of China. Marine Life Science & Technology, 2024, 6(4) in press.

    (3)Zheng J, Li SW, Zheng XD*. Living in a dynamic environment: The effects of multi-ways temperature variation on embryo and newborn juveniles of a shallow-water octopus (Amphioctopus fangsiao). Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 171510

    (4)Zheng J, Li QZheng XD*. Ocean acidification increases copper accumulation and exacerbates copper toxicity in Amphioctopus fangsiao (Mollusca: Cephalopoda): A potential threat to seafood safety. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 891: 164473

    (5)Hu YH, Zheng J, Han F, Fan LY, Liu YQ, Qian YS, Zhang QQ, Zheng XD*Effects of shelter on the welfare of juvenile Amphioctopus fangsiaosurvivalgrowth, behavior and physiologyAquaculture, 2023, 578: 740040

    (6)Zheng J, Qian YS, Zheng XD*. Effects of stocking density on juvenile Amphioctopus fangsiao (Mollusca: Cephalopoda): survival, growth, behavior, stress tolerance and biochemical response. Aquaculture, 2023, 567: 739243

    (7)Jiang DH, Liu Q, Sun J, Liu S, Fan GY, Wang LH, Zhang Y, Seim I, An SC, Liu X, Li Q, Zheng XD*. The gold-ringed octopus (Amphioctopus fangsiao) genome and cerebral single-nucleus transcriptomes provide insights into the evolution of karyotype and neural novelties. BMC Biology, 2022, 20(1): 289.

    (8)Xu R, Lü Y, Tang Y, Chen Z, Xu C, Zhang X and Zheng X*. DNA barcoding reveals high hidden species diversity of Chinese waters in the Cephalopoda. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022. 9:830381.

    (9)Zheng X, Xu C, Li J. Morphological description and mitochondrial DNA-based phylogenetic placement of a new species of Callistoctopus Taki, 1964 (Cephalopoda, Octopodidae) from the southeast waters of China. ZooKeys, 2022,1121: 1-15.

    (10)郑小东,钱耀森,南泽,汪金海,许然,郑建,王培亮,刘永胜长蛸, SCT2113-2022,中华人民共和国农业农村部, 2023-03-01 (行业标准)

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